Banker Algorithm

In computing, the banker's algorithm is an algorithm that simulates deadlock avoidance of a resource allocation system. The algorithm was developed by Edsger Dijkstra.

The banker's algorithm is run by the operating system when a process requests a resource. The purpose of the algorithm is to ensure that the system does not enter into a deadlock state, where each process is waiting for a resource that is held by another process.

The algorithm works by granting resources to processes only if there is no danger of the system entering into a deadlock state. To do this, the algorithm keeps track of all resources in the system and assigns them to processes only if there is no danger of creating a cycle in the resource assignment graph.

If granting a resource to a process would result in a cycle, then the request is denied and the process must wait until another process releases a resource, at which point the request can be granted.

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How to check deadlock?

The banker algorithm is used to prevent deadlock in systems that have multiple resources. Deadlock occurs when two or more processes are waiting for each other to release a resource, and none of the processes can continue.

The banker's algorithm is used to check for deadlocks by looking at the resources that each process has requested and comparing them to the resources that are available. If there is a process that is waiting for a resource that is not available, then the system is in a deadlock. The algorithm can be used to determine which process should be aborted in order to break the deadlock.

There are three conditions that must be met in order for the banker's algorithm to work:

1) There must be a finite number of resources.
2) There must be only one instance of each resource type.
3) Each process must request resources sequentially.

If any of these conditions are not met, then the algorithm will not work correctly and may result in a deadlock.

How to avoid a Deadlock?

In order to avoid deadlock, it is important to understand how the banker's algorithm works. This algorithm is used by the operating system to avoid having two processes vying for the same resource. The algorithm works by allocating resources to each process in a way that ensures that no process is left waiting for a resource that it can never obtain.

One way to ensure that the banker's algorithm is followed is to design your program so that it requests resources in a specific order. For example, if your program needs to use both a printer and a scanner, it should request the printer first and then the scanner. By doing this, you can guarantee that your program will never be left waiting for a resource that it can never obtain.

Another way to avoid deadlock is to have your program release any resources that it no longer needs as soon as possible. If your program has finished using a resource, it should release it so that other processes can use it. By releasing resources as soon as possible, you can help prevent other processes from being left waiting for resources they can never obtain.

Following these tips can help you avoid deadlock in your programs. Understanding how the banker's algorithm works is essential to avoiding deadlock; however, even if you understand the algorithm, you may still encounter deadlock if you do not design your programs carefully or if you do not release resources promptly.