How to upload youtube shorts from PC?

Method of Uploading Shorts from PC

You can upload short videos located on your pc in an easy way. The video length should be less than 60 seconds and greater than 5 seconds. The short should be creative and not have any copyrighted content.

To upload a Short video from a Personal Computer:

1. Sign in to YouTube Studio if you already sign up.
2. In the top-right corner, click CREATE  and then Upload videos.

Select the Video:

Less than 60 seconds.
The size of the video should be mobile screen size.
Optional one: Include the #Short tag at the end of the video title, if the video is less than 60 seconds it will automatically count it short.
You can select a maximum of 15 short videos at a time.

Learn from the video how to upload shorts from pc?

Watch the below video it will clear you how to upload short videos from a PC?


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